Financial Crime in China: Developments, Sanctions, and the Systemic Spread of Corruption

Financial Crime in China builds upon original research into the topic and offers a never-before-seen look at the systemic spread of state-controlled financial corruption in the form of bank fraud, securities fraud, insider trading, and Ponzi schemes.

Praktische Informatie

  • Authors: Cheng, Hongming
  • ISBN 978-1-137-57106-9
  • Prijs EUR 99,99

Table of contents

  1. The Financial System in China: Financial Sectors, State Influences, and Opportunities for Crime
  2. The Upper World
  3. Bank Fraud
  4. Securities Fraud
  5. Informal Finance and Ponzi Schemes
  6. Law and the Courts
  7. Policing and Regulating Financial Crime
  8. Financial Business Ethics and Professionalization in the Anomic Environment
  9. Conclusion: Financial Crime and the “Chinese Century”


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